Where do you deliver to?

We deliver to maximum distance of TEN MILES from Broad Oak, near Rye. Some of the locations on our delivery schedule include...

Battle, Bexhill, Brede, Catsfield, Fairlight, Hastings, Icklesham, Netherfield, Ninfield, Northiam, Pett, Robertsbridge, Rye, St. Leonard's, St. Leonard's-On-Sea, Sedlescombe and Westfield.

If you're still not sure, contact us and we'll let you know.

When will I receive my order?

We deliver our dog food and treats every Wednesday. As long as we have your order by midnight on the Tuesday, your order will be with you the following Wednesday.

How much should I feed my dog?

We always suggest you refer to the manufacturer's guidance for recommended feeding amounts. Benyfit Natural, Cotswold Raw and Nutriment suggest between 2-3% of your dog's ideal weight, per day, for an adult dog. This is based solely on feeding raw, over two meals. Adjust the amount depending on activity level. Puppies should be fed 4-6% of their body weight until maturity.

You will feed significantly less than if you were feeding tinned food from Pedigree Chum. 400g Nutriment per day vs 1155g of Pedigree Chum tins.

Below is a chart to help you but if you need help, please get in touch!

How much will it cost to feed my dog?

The answer to this, as you can expect, varies massively depending on what products you feed and how large/small and active your dog is. Please don't hesitate to contact us though and we will help work out roughly what it may cost for your dog.

Is there an easy way to handle Nutriment chubs?

Yes! The chubs are excellent value for money but can be messy to handle. We spoke with Nutriment and follow their great advice which we use when feeding our own dogs.

  1. Run the frozen, unopened chub under some warm water for a few seconds. This allows the wrapper to peel off more easily.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut lengthways from the top seal, through the plastic outer layer.
  3. Peel off the entire wrapper and store in a lidded container. Allow to defrost. When the product defrosts, its very easy to serve up.

After much hunting and searching, we finally found and HIGHLY RECOMMEND using a 2L rectangular container.

The item above can be purchased on Amazon here.

Do you offer any discounts or promotions?

We offer good value mixed boxes containing a variety of flavours for each brand we stock.  This saves approximately 10% than if purchased individually.

From time to time, we offer promotions and discounts so please sign up to our mailing list to be notified when we run such offers.

What do I do with the delivered polystyrene boxes?

We're not huge fans of polystyrene boxes ourselves but, when packed correctly, they are highly effective in keeping the food frozen for up to 24hrs.

Sadly, the polystyrene boxes are not recyclable in your household recycling bin. Some of our customers have used them as plant pots whereas others keep one handy for their weekly grocery shop.

We love to recycle and hate waste so you are more than welcome to keep the empty boxes for us to collect on our next delivery. This way, we can can reuse them or return them to the manufacturer.

Can I collect my order?

Yes, it is possible for you to collect your order once we have confirmed it is in stock. We do work from home and so would ask you to contact us to arrange collection.